I’ve been writing this blog for the past month and it finally came together for me during church service yesterday. Shout out to VCMICC the best church experience and family on earth! My Pastor’s have been teaching on our imagination as being a key to unlocking our faith and manifestation. It’s been a life altering message and every week, I’ve come home asking myself new questions about what am I willing to imagine.
A few weeks ago, I also happened to tune into a faith conference online.
The guest speaker for the evening said something that really struck a cord with me. He said: “Your life will travel at the speed of thought.” -Jesse Duplantis
As soon as he said it, I immediately thought within myself… “Imagine that!”
Could you imagine your life traveling by your thoughts? Literally everything that came to mind - your life moved in that direction?
Just think about it. If you think you’re fat - your life travels in the direction of excessive eating. If you think you will get the flu - your life travels in the direction of excessive over the counter meds to treat flu like symptoms.
Or what if you think you're broke and your life travels in the direction of pocket full of holes, no ends to meet; and more month than money?
When I finally made a decision to leave the classroom and pursue school leadership, I wasn't thrown into the role overnight. As a matter of fact, it took several years - seven to be exact.
You see I had to think about all the things that needed to be done in order to get to where I was going. I thought about classes. I thought about applying for leadership opportunities. I thought about how I was going to get things done while still teaching. I even thought about how long it would take.
While it may have taken 7 years to land a position, I thought of and imagined myself as a school leader even before I taught my 1st class!
“For as he thinks within himself, so is he.” - Proverbs 23:7 TPT
I'm sure we've all grown up hearing things like “Believe in yourself.” But what if the real statement is: “Think In Yourself.” In essence that is what Proverbs 23:7 is saying. As you think within so are you.
Wow! Are you ok with that? Are you ok with your thoughts being you? Take a moment to reflect on your most recent thoughts. Is that you? Is that where you want to travel?
My Pastor closed service yesterday saying: “Access Granted!” I will add: Access Granted to your Imagination!
His voice – My Life – Our Ministry
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