
2021 will be a year of great transition

We will move from one state of being to the next. 

You will see great and dynamic movement in government 

You will see great and dynamic movement in the church.

Transitions in and transitions out.

One minute we were heading in one direction the next minute we were not.

Transition the process or period of changing from one state or condition to another.

We have already moved from one state of living in 2020

We will now enter into a new state of existence in 2021

Your body will transition into total health existence

Your mind will transition into a growth mindset existence 

Your money will transition into a wealthy existence 

Your spirit will transition into all things are possible existence.

Your businesses will transition into fortune 500 existence 

Your ministry & the church will transition into 

glory realm existence! 

What will it take to transition?

It will take you changing your perspective 

A friend of mine told me there is a reason the windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror.

It's because whats ahead is so much greater than what's behind you. 

We have to move from looking at how

2020 may have taken you by surprise and now see that 2021 can be taken by force. 

There is no limit to what you can see in front of you.

Change your perspective so you can transition your world into a new level of existence.

2021 is a year of great transition!




I want to share on something I believe is at the heart of where we are as a society and honestly as the world. I want to talk about moving forward.

So much is happening and continues to happen that is affecting natural movement. The world is still experiencing a pandemic. As much as people try to minimize it, covid19 is still here. The world is still experiencing racial bias injustice and war. And Black Lives still Matter. The current election has divided party lines to the point where individuals will not even put a candidates name on the ballot for fear of retaliation and obstruction of future leadership opportunities. And in the middle of it all there is you and me.

Even with all the change around us, within us something is crying out and declaring enough is enough. We see more! We are after more! We are more than where we are! And we cannot allow fear to stop us from moving forward into our new season!

In Philippians 3:14, Paul said, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Even Paul felt the press. The press away from something and toward something else. Paul said look, I know what I've experienced, I used to be a Christian killer. I used to defame the name of Jesus. I used to persecute and accuse the church. But, in spite of all of this I am reaching forward! I am moving forward! I am pushing toward a mark.

What was the mark? Christ. Like Paul we have to get to a place where beyond the distractions we want to reach as far as we can toward a destination that is unmovable. We want to move toward a specific position which can only be found in Christ.

The mark Christ has given us is the true prize. His mark includes peace. His mark includes rest. His mark includes love. His mark is filled with joy. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the distractions around us that we fail to recognize the destination ahead of us.

Paul in the same scripture vs 13 said, brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. In my modern day translation He's like I know where I've been wasn't it. Where I am can't be all. Where I'm going is where it's at.

Listen I want you to make a decision right now to move forward. No matter what happens with the election. Even if they don't convict every racist on the planet. And if covid19 is still looming in 2021. Let's all make a quality decision to move forward in Him. Christ is the goal. Christ is our prize. Let's move toward him & for him so we can experience the high calling of God in this season.

Feel free to tune in to more of this blog on my latest podcast here. Meantime, know that I love you and I will continue to pray your continued health, safety & peace. In this together!🤍


Have you ever had something to say, but you just can't put all the words together and say it? Well, I've been experiencing this on the inside since March. I've shared portions with others, but I now have the fullness of it here. I truly know and believe it is a word for the times.

Nothing is the same.
Everything has changed, including you!
Every time you try to look back and do something familiar you experience resistance.
Resistance happens when you try to push through to another level and hit what looks like a ceiling.
But the resistance/ceiling is not always bad thing.
If you are into market structure you know when trading price can get to a point where it has to make a decision.
The price of the trade can either retreat back to its usual level or breakthrough to a new level and price point.
Once it makes the decision to go forward the resistance or ceiling is no longer against it, but it now becomes the floor or support to uphold it to the next level.
We are all at a point of decision in our lives.
We must decide whose report we will believe.
We must decide who we will receive and even be.
The resistance of these times is honestly becoming the support that will push you and me into our next level of living and being.
So stop trying to go back.
Look forward and press into the new.
Nothing is the same.
Everything has absolutely changed - Even you!

Isaiah 43:18-19 - Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?


Behold I will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall ye not know it. Isaiah 43:19

Not sure about you, but the prospect of new things always excites me. New home, job, car, business, and even clothes just excites me. I even get excited about meeting new people. As of late it seems like we can't avoid the new. The current state of our world indicates that everything has not only changed, but that we have to do everything different and even become new. I am sure this is not easy for everyone to embrace especially if you are uncomfortable with change.

Can I tell you that even if you are uncomfortable right now, the new can still be for you. Here's why. While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18 KJV

We can tap into the new because we are not looking at our current state if being. Instead we can pull from a place where God says all things are possible (Luke 1:37). Naturally our locations look unfavorable, but spiritually our positions are filled with new promises, purpose and destiny.

Let’s think about that...the things we see (covid, racial unrest, economic downturn) are temporary. But health, racial equality, financial peace are available and accessible eternally and forever! That sounds good to me! I've said this before, and I am going to say it again, God is more interested in changing our positions vs our conditions. Why, because if He can ever get us to see who we are, we would change everything about your life that does not line up with that position.

You are seated in heavenly places in Christ (Ephesians 2:6). All things (including you) have been made new (2 Corinthians 5:17). Can I challenge you this month to step out into areas you know in your heart you should be shifted into? I'm going to challenge you to not only do something new; I want you to be the new!

I'm really excited about this! I know we are all coming out of this season of our lives stronger and better than ever! I love you. Continuing in prayer for you. Still In this together!🤍

What Are You Saying?

It's been a while! I know a lot has happened since we last spoke. Are you guys OK? Even if the answer is no, I am hoping that by the time you are finish reading this blog, you will feel a sense of change, relief and power over your circumstances.

Have you ever heard the saying, "speak now or forever hold your peace?" Or how about "keep quiet for peace sake." These statements sound good, but in actuality they were not good and create a sense of fear, oppression and insecurity when it comes to using your voice to express yourself.

Did you know that humans are the only creation on the planet that have language. No other living thing on this planet has language. It is language that turned into books, that turned into drawings that turned into speech that turned into you.

You see God in the beginning said something. Let’s look at what he said here: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. Genesis 1:1‭-‬3 KJV

I find it so interesting that the bible opens up with God using his voice to speak. At a time when darkness was over the earth and things looked really bleak, God said something. I'm here to tell you that he is still saying something and he is fully expecting for you to do the same. God gave you words and its time to use them. Why? Because if you are not saying something you are not creating anything. My words, your words are here yes for conversation, but more importantly our words are here to create!

During slavery, black people were not allowed to read. They were not allowed to learn how to access their voice, because the minute they could, they would see that the Bible that slave masters tried to use to oppress them would actually become the words they used to actually free them.

A good friend of mine spoke with me about the power of voting and said something that really stuck out. She said, if you don't vote your silence is actually saying something. That is so true! Anyone's failure to use their voice is actually an admission or acceptance that nothing will change. But that's not you or me.

Your words have power (Proverbs 18:21). Your words create (Genesis 1:3). Your words bring change (Mark 11:23). Don't let anything or anyone silence you in this season. Open your mouth wide and see the endless possibilities available to you through your voice.

You've got something to say. So what are you saying?


"The atmosphere is changing now.  For the spirit of the Lord is here. The evidence is all around that the spirit of the lord is here." Song by: Elevation Worship

The lyrics to this song have been ringing in my ears for weeks now! I know naturally everything around us is changing. I also sense that spiritually things are changing too!

Did you know that nothing takes God by surprise? Jeremiah 29:11 says, before I formed thee in the belly I knew you, and ordained you a profit to the nations. God was working behind the scenes on us and for us long before we ever stepped on the scene. 

God is fully aware of our present conditions. But he made us for our future positions in Him.

So what should we do about all the changes around us? How do we respond? Let's look at Joseph. One day Joseph was a slave. The next he was in the kings palace. Then he was in prison. To finally becoming Prime Minister over the whole country! (Genesis 37-41) That's a whole lot of change to swallow in such a short period of time. However, all the while every event in his life was preparing him for his future.

Esther is another example of radical change. She was an orphan who was selected to the kings court and then became Queen.And as Queen she was called to risk her life to save her city. (Esther 1-4) 

I love what Esther's uncle Mordecai told her, and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? (Esther 4:14)

You see change around us can also produce change within us. Sometimes we can become so comfortable remaining the same, that we fear the process of change. But what if like Joseph and Esther we changed our change?

Remember nothing takes God by surprise. Ask Him what the changes in your life mean in his overall plan to bring you to his expected end? 

I've asked the same question, and I'm changing and embracing something new. I'm happy to share I've launched a new podcast and youtube channel. Very excited about using audio and visual media to further inspire and encourage God's voice into the lives of those around me!

Listen, these times do not have to break you. The times can actually make you! You are called for such a time as this. It's time for you to step into a greater level of your destiny and calling in Him!

Say this out loud: I am made for this time! I am not built to break! I am built to last! This is my season of change. I embrace it. I make room for it. I change my change! In Jesus name!

I love you! I'm praying for you! We're in this together!

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

Continue to stay healthy, safe and stay loved!🤍

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I love this scripture in I John 4:4 - Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.  

l believe God is always asking us to choose our position over our condition. He wants us to know that he created us from a high place and we were never made to come down.

I am not speaking of titles, degrees or rankings. I am speaking of your divine placement in the realm where all authority and power resides. This is from the position of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all. Psalms 103:19 KJV

Everything about mankind was designed to be greater, bigger, and ruler over all. The only thing that will change these mandates is you.  If you think you can, you will.  If you think you can't you won't.

Listen the world will never affirm what God is saying. You have to affirm what God is saying so your world can change.  When you begin to declare that you were made in his image and likeness (Genesis 1:26) you will find yourself creating just like Him. When you begin to agree that you can do all things through him (Philippians 4:13) you will find yourself doing the impossible consistently. 

This year, I find myself focused more on my purpose. The more I focus I can see that my purpose is not defined by what I do. My purpose is defined by who I AM! And I am of God therefore greater is He that is within me than he that is in the world (I John 4:4).

Please take some time out of each day and let the scriptures I've listed in this blog speak to you. Let them speak to the circumstances around you. Let them tell you who you are. 

I am praying for you and our nation as we all face the impossible together. And I know we can do it, because we are truly bigger.

May God continue to bless and keep us all!❤



Wow! It's 2020! And I believe we have all stepped into the greatest decade of our lifetime! Just think 20 years ago we started a new century. And now here we are half way through the 1st quarter of the year!  If you're anything like me, you're excited about it all! 

I am so looking forward to seeing what the next 10 years of my life will look like. I'm also pumped to hear and experience all that will happen in your life too!

I am challenging myself this year. My challenge is to believe the impossible. Dare the unthinkable. And dream the unimaginable! Yup, I'm pushing myself into the realm of it's possible.

Every year I start off with a corporate fast with my church that turns into a personal fast. I said I would add social media to my list. We were only supposed to be on the fast for 21 days and here I am ending at day 40!

I dared it and I did it! 

Just think about your year! What's on your impossible list? Is it debt? Is it healing? Is it restoration in your family? Whatever it is, I challenge you to take the word of God and press in for your unthinkable, unimaginable impossible breakthrough! 

I did something else. I got all my kids their passports. No, we have no vacations booked yet, but I'm imagining them. I'm believing we will be on them. I can see us clear across the world exploring new cultures and environments together. It's possible and I am daring to believe it!

This will be a year like no other. You will be like you've never been before! You've been challenged (in a good way). Who's ready to take it on? Who's ready to say "It's possible?" Luke: 1:37 - For with God nothing shall be impossible.

My new book "To My Daughter with Love" is also another resource to keep your fire burning with heavenly possibilities throughout the year! If you don't have a copy yet, you need one! Order here today!

I love you! I'm praying for you! Let's take this year together!❤


New Book

New Book

Are you ready for a 21 day journey filled with the heart and voice of God? To my daughter with love is just that. With topics ranging from rejection to acceptance, every reader will have the opportunity to connect to God’s voice in a personal and relevant way. God is always speaking. Are you ready to hear?

Take Your Place


My youngest child (pictured above) recently started kindergarten. I'm overjoyed (no more childcare) and emotional all at the same time.  Well, he came home with his 1st homework assignment and included was a list of sight words. I was surprised to see that many of the words dealt with position and being.

As I helped my son recite words like "I am" and "I can," I couldn't help but think that even at a young age we were all called to identify with who we are, what we can do and where we should be. 

But what about when we are older? What have we done with our foundational statements of being?

It says in Matthew 5:14 -  Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

Unfortunately, many of us are trying to hide. We want to escape the pressures of work and colleague problems. We want to run from greater roles and responsibilities both at home, work and at church. We want to shy away from the very purpose and plan God has for our life simply because of comfort.

I believe God through Jesus is restoring new sight words to us, and in them are new plans to position us for what he has designed us to be.  

Place can be referred to as location or position. It can also be referred to as an assignment. No matter where you are, you have a place. Your 1st place though starts with Christ.

And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:6

God wants you to shine! He wants you to take your place on the hill, in the city and wherever else he is positioning you as a light.

A good friend of mine (JM) gave me a new declaration and I want to share it with you. Declare: "I am my calling and God I trust you to bring it to pass."

You have only 3 months remaining to the year.  What are you planning to do before the new year begins. Are you going to prepare to take your place?

Love you all! Thank you for reading and sharing this blog!💗


Who Are You?


Now Jesus and His disciples went out to the towns of Caesarea Philippi; and on the road He asked His disciples, saying to them, Who do men say that I am? Mark 8:27 NKJV

Who am I? In essence this is what Jesus was asking. The savior of the world wanted to know who he was. More importantly he wanted to know who people said he was to them.

I'm sure you're probably asking why would Jesus want to know what people thought of him. It's because Jesus' entire purpose of being was to serve others. He was not here for himself. He was strictly here for others. 

For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. Luke 19:10 KJV

You see Jesus knew his purpose. He knew what he was born for. He knew what he was called to do.

What about you? What were you born for? Why are you here? What are people saying about you? Is your life a reflection of service or is it a reflection of being served.

When I made my career change into education, I knew it was an act of service. For one I have my own school of 4 children at home and two there is no amount of compensation that can equate to the time you put in to help children. So it wasn't about me. I knew it was for others. My purpose then and now 12 years later is still the same - to help young people discover their purpose too.

Have you ever thought about who is missing out on your purpose? What if there were hundreds, millions of people who need your creativity, expertise and abilities? What if there was one who needed you to be uniquely you? 

I had an amazing experience at church recently. I got baptized (pictured above)! It was so wonderful especially, because as I got out of the water I could see so many people cheering, smiling and just celebrating my experience. It made the day all the more memorable and rewarding.

So, it's true that you are who you are. But who you are to others makes you YOU

My prayer is that God will tell every person reading this blog who you are in Him. And that others will confirm it in the days ahead.

As always thank you for reading and sharing.💗


What's In Your Hands?


It’s graduation season! I love this time of year because of the rewards you reap for finishing strong!

Personally, at the end of each month I set a reminder in my phone to take about an hour or so to reflect on my life. During this time I will think about accomplishments, struggles, hopes and dreams.  As I reflect, an overwhelming sense of excitement comes over me; because I realize that with every passing day there is room to be and do so much more.

These personal development moments remind me of a speaker I once heard at a finance conference. At the conference, she asked the question, “what's in your hands?”  My initial response was to reflect on my finances...not the best at the time. But the speaker was referring to more than just money.

Our hands were made to produce.  It's with our hands that we labor, create, and make. Our hands connect us to everything that we can visibly see and every thing that we look forward to seeing. Our hands have the ability to take in and also to give out.

Ideas are in my hands. Vision is in my hands. Business ventures and dreams are in my hands. The problem with it still being in my hands is I was not doing anything with it.

Have you ever had a desire to start something maybe a business, but you failed to pursue it because of fear? Or maybe you already have a great gift like cooking or singing for example, but you won't produce anything, because you doubt anyone will buy your products.

What's in your hands has everything to do with what you have agreed to release into the earth. It has everything to do with your calling, and destiny. It has everything to do with you being you.

I love what Psalms 144:1 says - Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

Only God can tell you and affirm what's in your hands. Why? Because he is the one who made your hands. He is the only one who can show you what to do with them.

A few weeks ago my daughter convinced me to use my hands to make a cow costume (pictured above) for her 1st grade musical. I was so nervous about it, but she was positive that I could do it - and I did!  I really thank her for being a true source of inspiration and the motivator behind the creation of this blog.😊

What about you?  We're already six months into the year. Why not spend the next six releasing “what's in your hands?”  

My 1st mini book is completely edited. I am looking forward to sitting down with the publisher very soon! Meantime, thank you again for reading and sharing my blogs! Enjoy your summer!💗


1st Things 1st


I'm currently at a marriage retreat enjoying quality time with hubbs and fellowship around other believing couples. We're all away from home, kids, work and just the demands of our everyday life. Sidebar if you're married or soon to be married, invest in your success. Take retreats, attend conferences and get with people who are doing marriage well. You will only be better for it.

So while attending one session I kind of zoned out and started to think about all of my to do lists. Work follow up with students and parents. Home follow up with planning kid parties and organizing my finances to make it happen. As I pondered, I started to ask myself, “How am I going to get all this done?” And as quietly as I asked on the inside the quiet voice of the Spirit responded - First things First.

I can remember when I had my son and ole’ school moms would tell me, “Now that you have a baby you're going to have to balance him along with your husband.” Or when I had my 2nd child, the conversation was - “You're going to have to balance your family with work, church etc.” If you're like me, words like balance can be a little frightening.

Balance would look most like a scale. A scale is not properly balanced unless you put enough weight on each side to even things out.  But when you already have a ton on your plate, how do you portion and divide out how much of everything to hold or focus on at one moment?

This is why I love what the scripture says in Matthew 6:33:

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. King James Version

Seek 1st. When you reduce your everyday demands,  to one thing it makes the focus a whole lot clearer. Now instead of practicing a balancing act, I am considering priorities. And even with priorities there is one major priority that sits above everything else.

A priority is like the lens of a camera. It zooms in and focuses on the image it wants to magnify and zooms out of images it wants to lose sight of.

Think about it, what do you consider to be first in your life? Or what's at the top of your everyday to do lists? Where is your focus? Now would you consider replacing your number one priority with God?

The good news is when we prioritize and focus on God like that, Then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly. Matthew 6:33 The Passion Translation

I'm at a place in my life where I no longer seek balance & weights. Instead, I'm after priority & grace. This is a season where I am seeking 1st things 1st; and I hope you will too!

Remember, my book is set to be released for purchase this year! Stay tuned! Meantime, thanks again for reading and sharing my blogs!💗




“Do not remember the former things, Or ponder the things of the past. “Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it?”
Isaiah 43:18‭-‬19 AMP

New Year, new things, new experiences, new perspective, new life. That sounds real good. But how?

How do we take our lives to the next level? How do we move out of comfort zones into the unknown? How do we live our best lives when the life we have is not at it's best?  I believe the answer to these questions is in the scripture above. We have to forget the former and focus on the new.

Leaders especially know how much we are constantly pushed to think it forward. We hear things like “vision casting” & “growth mindset” that we wonder how to go from here to there when no one following wants to go. Or when leaders can't see the way.

I believe access is only granted to the one who will focus on the new. It's as if you can't see the road ahead if you keep looking through your rear view mirror. Access starts with your heart. What are you expecting? What are you willing to do different? Who are you willing to become?

There is another scripture in the bible that reads: “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the wine would burst the wine skins, and the wine and the skins would both be lost. New wine calls for new wine skins” Mark 2:22 NLT.  Would you put new clothes on top of your dirty clothes? No, you would 1st get rid of the dirty ones. So why do you want a new life in addition to your old?

The definition of insanity is doing the same old thing and expecting something different.  Nothing new will ever come if you are still operating as old. If you want to take your company, business, family, and life forward, you must be willing to do something new.

I have had the privilege of working with some amazing leaders. I've also attended numerous conferences/trainings ranging from marriage to finance to leadership. In all my exposure none of the information obtained would make any difference if I was not willing to do something new with what I learned.

Folks you have access to the same promises God promised Jesus. If he is willing to do it for Jesus, He is also willing to do it for you! Don't allow old thinking, old habits, old experiences and what you feel is old age to keep you from the infinite possibilities of creating something new.  Listen many of societies “Greats” started in what people define as late (aka after 40). But what is your age compared to eternity? You got forever on the line, so you might as well start now!

This year I have personally decided that I have total access to everything I desire to accomplish in my life. I am not asking for anyone's permission to be the creation I was designed to be. Nor am I making any more excuses for any limitations I have set in my own heart and mind. Instead I am pursuing my God ordained right to live my best life to the full glory & honor of his name.

This is a season to take your eyes off of the old.  Total Access has been granted! You are free to live and become something new!

I am also excited to announce the completion of my 1st book! Whoop! Whoop! Releasing this year! Connect with me: ( and stay tuned for release dates and more!

Happy New Year with love!  Make it your best ever!


His Voice | My Life | Our Ministry
@ethelisgrace - Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

There Is Nothing Wrong With You


The Holidays can be a time of reflection, but it does not have to be a time of rejection. Most often, we can be so consumed with getting everything right that we focus on everything that is wrong. And I think we can all agree that never makes anything right.

Matthew 6:31-32 NLT - “So don’t worry about these things, saying, “What will we eat?What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.”

Worry, like fear, is simply negative thinking. You think negatively about situations, places, people or things based on your experience or the experience of others. Your mind is so overwhelmed with concern about something wrong happening that you can’t even see anything right.

Can I tell you a secret? You and I will never get it all right! So just go ahead and forgive yourself now. You will make mistakes. You will miss the mark. You will have regrets. But even in all that, there’s nothing wrong with you.

Our lives are not DIY projects.  We are not accidents waiting to happen. We are not in this by ourselves.  We are all uniquely designed, handcrafted masterpieces created to reveal a God that wants to be seen in a real world amid real problems.  His goal is to work through us, so we can begin to solve them. 

So, if you find yourself not having met your goals, or feeling rejected, abandoned and alone; there is nothing wrong with you! Why?  Because Jesus himself took on those same feelings too! 

He went to the cross alone. He took on the sins of the world alone. He died alone. Despite all this, he still came through. And there is nothing that he came through that you can’t come through too!

As we move toward the new year and new season, give yourself a break from the pressure of your performance and allow yourself the freedom to enjoy the beauty of His.

There is nothing wrong with you. All He sees is right when He sees you. Can you see it too?

His voice – My Life – Our Ministry
@Ethelisgrace |facebook |twitter |instagram
#mum #workingmother #wife #family #leader #God


I’ve been writing this blog for the past month and it finally came together for me during church service yesterday. Shout out to VCMICC the best church experience and family on earth! My Pastor’s have been teaching on our imagination as being a key to unlocking our faith and manifestation. It’s been a life altering message and every week, I’ve come home asking myself new questions about what am I willing to imagine.

A few weeks ago, I also happened to tune into a faith conference online.
The guest speaker for the evening said something that really struck a cord with me. He said: “Your life will travel at the speed of thought.” -Jesse Duplantis

As soon as he said it, I immediately thought within myself… “Imagine that!”

Could you imagine your life traveling by your thoughts? Literally everything that came to mind - your life moved in that direction?

Just think about it. If you think you’re fat - your life travels in the direction of excessive eating. If you think you will get the flu - your life travels in the direction of excessive over the counter meds to treat flu like symptoms.

Or what if you think you're broke and your life travels in the direction of pocket full of holes, no ends to meet; and more month than money?

When I finally made a decision to leave the classroom and pursue school leadership, I wasn't thrown into the role overnight. As a matter of fact, it took several years - seven to be exact.

You see I had to think about all the things that needed to be done in order to get to where I was going. I thought about classes. I thought about applying for leadership opportunities. I thought about how I was going to get things done while still teaching. I even thought about how long it would take.

While it may have taken 7 years to land a position, I thought of and imagined myself as a school leader even before I taught my 1st class!

“For as he thinks within himself, so is he.” - Proverbs 23:7 TPT

I'm sure we've all grown up hearing things like “Believe in yourself.” But what if the real statement is: “Think In Yourself.”  In essence that is what Proverbs 23:7 is saying. As you think within so are you.

Wow! Are you ok with that? Are you ok with your thoughts being you? Take a moment to reflect on your most recent thoughts. Is that you? Is that where you want to travel?  

My Pastor closed service yesterday saying: “Access Granted!” I will add: Access Granted to your Imagination!


His voice – My Life – Our Ministry
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#mum #workingmother #wife #family #writer #author #entrepreneur #leader #God



I recently visited my hometown NY; and as we were leaving, I peeked out the car window and noticed a sign that read “Fuhgeddaboudit!”

I chuckled after reading thinking NY vernacular is hilarious!  But in my laughter I could hear God saying the words are “the truth!”

“You see you can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the ocean shore.” -Christopher Columbus

Talk about Vision and Faith! You know what's in front of you, but you want to see what's beyond you. In order to experience it, you have to lose sight of where you are. But how?

Columbus knew it. In order to go from here to there you have to lock in and focus on where you are going.

In the mornings getting my “final4” ready can be taxing. Everyone has to perform their daily routines so that we can make it out the door. My daughter bless her sweet little heart...loves to take her sweet little time. She is constantly encouraged to eat faster, brush her teeth faster and get dressed even faster.

One day, she said, “Mommy, why are you always rushing me?” And I simply said, “Baby I'm just focused on where we're going.”

You see focus is intentional. It's like the lense of a camera. It will only zoom in on what it wants to see magnified and zoom out of what it wants to lose attention of.

How about you? What has your focus magnified on lately? Is it your daily schedule or lack thereof? Is it your child's behavior and grades in school? Or is the focus all about your spouse or not having one?

The same is true for work. If you have a high demanding job or you are a stay at home mum, your attention span becomes even more divided. The juggle of getting it all done can have you spent. And to be very honest burned out.

Listen, while all those daily to do items and attention grabbers are important, there is nothing more important than causing your attention to zero in in one direction.

Hebrews 12:2 says it: Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

We can't get anything done until we do what needs to be done. And we need our focus on HIM. Everyday HE is our priority. Everyday HE is where we are going. Everyday HE is what we are magnifying above everything else in our lives.

As we do, our to do’s become easier. Our concerns become quieted and our lives begin to express our deepest desires, because the author of our lives has taken our focus.

Have you ever taken a moment to forget about what's not working and possibly lose sight of the current shore?

Have you ever just locked your attention on HIM?  Where is the author of your life taking you? What is the finisher of your faith saying?

It’s funny, because today marks my 14 year anniversary of relocating to the DMV.  Back then I had to forget about everything and look towards what was ahead. 

So, as you start the new school year, new business or new career, can you forget about everything else & just focus on HIM?

If I did it, I know you can too!


His voice – My Life – Our Ministry
@Ethelisgrace | facebook | instagram | twitter
#mom #workingmother #wife #mum #family #leader #God

Can You See?

And the Lord said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward:  For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever. Genesis 13:14‭-‬15 KJV

Have you ever been anywhere you needed to leave? Or started business ventures that needed to cease?

What about failures? Have things always worked for you? Has every deal turned gold? Or were there a few that never made it to the table?

Like Abram, leaders have to know “when to hold ‘em & when to fold ‘em”. We have to know when to leave situations that no longer measure up to the leadership levels we have established for ourselves or the people we lead.

I remember a time when I was called to leave my familiar. It was 14 years ago when I took the plunge and relocated to the DMV. Looking back it was one of the hardest decisions of my life. I didn’t have all the answers. Heck, I barely had a job. But one thing was certain, I knew I couldn't stay in the city anymore. And I was not going to be shown what was ahead until I made a quality decision to move forward.

Leaders what are you refusing to leave behind? What about your leadership model do you need to let go? Where are you being called to that's ahead? Who is being called to go with you? Who is being called to stay behind?

Do you know what happened after Abram left his familiar? The city where Lot stayed had to be evacuated & burned. Yup, Abram was unaware but he was leaving behind a bad situation that was going to get worse. There was no way Abram could turn back. He could only look forward.

What about you? Are you willing to stay in a city that’s about to be burned?

Leaders make no mistake about it, you are being called forward! Everything you see will be given. Everything you see will be yours.

This is not a season to get caught up. This is a season to come up!

Leaders lift up your eyes from where you are!  



His voice – My Life – Our Ministry
@Ethelisgrace | facebook | instagram | twitter
#mom #workingmother #wife #family #leader #God

Still In Love

It’s my wedding anniversary! Whoop! Whoop! 11 years down, 4 kids later and forever to go! Look at us now!


Typically around anniversaries I find myself asking my spouse, “Why did you want to marry me?” Or, “When did you know I was the “one?”

This year though, I found myself asking a new question. I asked, “Do you still love me?” I told him, “I know you love me, but after all this time are you “still in love with me?”

Do you ever ask God if he is still in love with you? Have you stopped and considered whether your heavenly father still loves you in spite of the years, the weight gain, the bad choices and sometimes even contrary attitudes? Is God still in love with you?

Love by definition is an intense feeling of deep affection. It carries the connotation of fondness, endearment and intimacy. Love can take on a form of a noun (person, place or thing) and also a verb (action or activity). No matter what country, nationality or dialect you speak, love is universal and can be understood by all!

I John 4:8,19 reads “God is love” and “We love him, because he first loved us.”

You see in asking my spouse if he is still in love with me, I'm in short asking does he still love himself.

If God is love it would be pretty hard for him to deny love to anyone. No different from an athlete who does not want to be athletic. How can you deny who you are?

Like God, my husband chose to love me. He decided to have feelings of deep affection for me, which led to him taking the step to propose and marry me. God also chose to love you. He proposed Jesus to you so you could receive his love and be married to Him.

God is love. He can never deny himself. He will never deny you.

Is He “still in love?” “ABSOLUTELY!” “Are you?”






His voice – My Life – Our Ministry
@Ethelisgrace |facebook |instagram |twitter
#mom #workingmother #wife #family #leader #God



When you’ve had four kids born within five years, work a demanding job and volunteer to serve selflessly at church; folks are bound to ask you questions. I’m constantly approached with questions and comments like, "How in the world are you taking care of four kids?" “I don't see how you do it with four little ones running around." "If I were you I would be at home with all dem babies." If I can be totally honest, I have asked myself the same things. 

Being a mother is no small feat! Being a woman even greater. I wake up everyday at 5:30am, head to a full time job in the midst my full time life.  Scrambling for the time to meet everyone's needs to include my own would probably send me to the coo-coo house. However, I don't and can't do it by myself. Even with my supportive husband, the demands are just too great. This is why I must rely on the greater One.

You see, I didn't want four kids. By the time I considered having children, I had already experienced two miscarriages.  I was resolved on having one & done. But as I considered scriptures like John 10:10 "I have come to give you life and life more abundantly." And Psalms 115:14 "The Lord shall increase you more and more you and your children," I began to be open to the idea of taking the limits off my life and allowing God to have endless access to me. Now, I'm not saying I could not experience the abundant life with one kid. I am saying that He always wants to do exceedingly abundantly far above what we dare ask and even think (Ephesians 4:22). And when you finally let Him do what He wants, you'll know its only grace that did it.

Only grace positioned me as a wife, mother and leader. Only grace equips me with all that I need to not only survive but to thrive. Only grace will allow you to step out of your comfort zone to move into the unknown. Only grace will allow you to experience the super imposing love of a heavenly father and cause you to share the same with others. 

As I consider my life story its only grace that has brought me out of dark places to experience the joys and freedom of His marvelous light. It's in moments where I feel like I'm at my weakest and only grace steps in to show me I'm the strongest. Or when I want to say I'm done and only grace tells me “It’s already won!”

If you or I could do this life alone, that wouldn't be worth sharing. But when we say an invisible God took time to make himself visible and known in your world, now that's something to talk about! 

I firmly believe God wants His grace known to all mankind. He wants everyone to know His ability, His strength, and His power is available for everyday living. He wants people to ask you questions so that every time grace is seen in your life, He ultimately gets all the glory.  And that's the story we all want to tell!

So the next time someone asks me why my life is not like what they would expect it to be. Or why my story looks a little different than theirs; my only response will be "OG" - ONLY GRACE!

His voice – My Life – Our Ministry
@Ethelisgrace |facebook |twitter |instagram
#mom #workingmother #wife #family #leader #God