When you’ve had four kids born within five years, work a demanding job and volunteer to serve selflessly at church; folks are bound to ask you questions. I’m constantly approached with questions and comments like, "How in the world are you taking care of four kids?" “I don't see how you do it with four little ones running around." "If I were you I would be at home with all dem babies." If I can be totally honest, I have asked myself the same things.
Being a mother is no small feat! Being a woman even greater. I wake up everyday at 5:30am, head to a full time job in the midst my full time life. Scrambling for the time to meet everyone's needs to include my own would probably send me to the coo-coo house. However, I don't and can't do it by myself. Even with my supportive husband, the demands are just too great. This is why I must rely on the greater One.
You see, I didn't want four kids. By the time I considered having children, I had already experienced two miscarriages. I was resolved on having one & done. But as I considered scriptures like John 10:10 "I have come to give you life and life more abundantly." And Psalms 115:14 "The Lord shall increase you more and more you and your children," I began to be open to the idea of taking the limits off my life and allowing God to have endless access to me. Now, I'm not saying I could not experience the abundant life with one kid. I am saying that He always wants to do exceedingly abundantly far above what we dare ask and even think (Ephesians 4:22). And when you finally let Him do what He wants, you'll know its only grace that did it.
Only grace positioned me as a wife, mother and leader. Only grace equips me with all that I need to not only survive but to thrive. Only grace will allow you to step out of your comfort zone to move into the unknown. Only grace will allow you to experience the super imposing love of a heavenly father and cause you to share the same with others.
As I consider my life story its only grace that has brought me out of dark places to experience the joys and freedom of His marvelous light. It's in moments where I feel like I'm at my weakest and only grace steps in to show me I'm the strongest. Or when I want to say I'm done and only grace tells me “It’s already won!”
If you or I could do this life alone, that wouldn't be worth sharing. But when we say an invisible God took time to make himself visible and known in your world, now that's something to talk about!
I firmly believe God wants His grace known to all mankind. He wants everyone to know His ability, His strength, and His power is available for everyday living. He wants people to ask you questions so that every time grace is seen in your life, He ultimately gets all the glory. And that's the story we all want to tell!
So the next time someone asks me why my life is not like what they would expect it to be. Or why my story looks a little different than theirs; my only response will be "OG" - ONLY GRACE!
His voice – My Life – Our Ministry
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