No Plan B

Have you ever thought about what life would be like if we didn't have options? One store to shop from. One fast food restaurant to choose from. Only one type of high heel shoe to purchase. What would it be like if we couldn't choose?

I can remember buying my first house and having to consider all the possible outcomes of where I could go to live. Or what type of home to buy. By the time I narrowed my location and price point the homes available to me narrowed too. And once I put a contract on my home of choice I could not back out and look at another house unless the contract fell apart.

Did you know that God can't back out of his contract with you? He says in Hebrews 6:13 “For when God made a promise to Abraham because he could swear by no greater, he swore by himself, Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee.” Hebrews 6:13-14 KJV. It also reads in vs 18 that it is impossible for God to lie. In essence, once he speaks he has no other option about what he says. In essence, he hàs no plan B.

Think about that for a moment...God has no options. He didn't say in Genesis 1:1  Let there be light and if not then continue in darkness. Or let the waters bring forth fish and if not then dogs will do. God absolutely said what he says and doesn't consider alternatives. And since we are made in his image we also have the ability to not consider alternatives.

Now, wait, because I already know what you are thinking. I am not suggesting that you only seek out one choice. That would be torture. The beauty of life begins with selection.  


I am saying to consider what God does. He decides and does not waiver from his choice. Before God speaks he knows exactly what he wants. God chooses his outcomes even before they exist. What would your life look like if you began to choose like that?

God chose light and spoke light in the beginning and saw (Genesis 1:3). He did not speak thinking of an alternative to light. He spoke knowing there was no other option other than his choice of light.


A core value for every leader should be decision making. You must have the confidence and the ability to choose. You must choose your vision. You must choose your platform. You must choose your voice.


What happens with many of us, is we step out on things before we have decided. But like God we need to decide before we speak or do anything. Because once we decide as leaders, all options cease.

When leaders decide, there are no plan B's!



His voice – My Life – Our Ministry
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