
I want to share on something I believe is at the heart of where we are as a society and honestly as the world. I want to talk about moving forward.

So much is happening and continues to happen that is affecting natural movement. The world is still experiencing a pandemic. As much as people try to minimize it, covid19 is still here. The world is still experiencing racial bias injustice and war. And Black Lives still Matter. The current election has divided party lines to the point where individuals will not even put a candidates name on the ballot for fear of retaliation and obstruction of future leadership opportunities. And in the middle of it all there is you and me.

Even with all the change around us, within us something is crying out and declaring enough is enough. We see more! We are after more! We are more than where we are! And we cannot allow fear to stop us from moving forward into our new season!

In Philippians 3:14, Paul said, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Even Paul felt the press. The press away from something and toward something else. Paul said look, I know what I've experienced, I used to be a Christian killer. I used to defame the name of Jesus. I used to persecute and accuse the church. But, in spite of all of this I am reaching forward! I am moving forward! I am pushing toward a mark.

What was the mark? Christ. Like Paul we have to get to a place where beyond the distractions we want to reach as far as we can toward a destination that is unmovable. We want to move toward a specific position which can only be found in Christ.

The mark Christ has given us is the true prize. His mark includes peace. His mark includes rest. His mark includes love. His mark is filled with joy. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the distractions around us that we fail to recognize the destination ahead of us.

Paul in the same scripture vs 13 said, brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. In my modern day translation He's like I know where I've been wasn't it. Where I am can't be all. Where I'm going is where it's at.

Listen I want you to make a decision right now to move forward. No matter what happens with the election. Even if they don't convict every racist on the planet. And if covid19 is still looming in 2021. Let's all make a quality decision to move forward in Him. Christ is the goal. Christ is our prize. Let's move toward him & for him so we can experience the high calling of God in this season.

Feel free to tune in to more of this blog on my latest podcast here. Meantime, know that I love you and I will continue to pray your continued health, safety & peace. In this together!🤍